Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Will you Download iOS 12.2 with all new features and improvements?

After considerable testing versions we came to know iOS 12.2 finally in the public hand as the second major iOS version following iOS 12.1. And just as promised, you will get a number of new features and improvements by Download iOS 12.2 on all 64-bit iPhone and iPad devices. So will you continue to update or stay for jailbreak chances?

If you were waiting to grab Apple iOS latest version 12.2 on iPhone or iPad, it is now officially allowed through iTunes or over the air. So follow on 64-bit iPhone or iPad and get into the new experience of Apple mobile operating system.

iOS 12.2 Features to love

As the second major operating system version, iOS 12.2 packs a set of amazing features and improvements to the user experience. So just with my time with the new firmware, here are some of the best iOS 12.2 features I picked.

  • For the first time Apple News to Canada in both French and English language support
  • Gives HomeKit support for AirPlay 2 TVs
  • A set of new Animoji including a Boar, Shark, Giraffe and an Owl by turning the total number of Animojis to 24
  • Apple Maps supported with a new setting to show the Air quality in an easier way
  • Icon tweaked for Screen Mirroring from the Control center
  • “Add Money” new option in the Apple Pay Cash in the wallet for easier access
  • Tweaked AirPlay icon in the Control center
  • Introducing a darker interface to Apple TV remote application
  • Accessing you to find key information easier, the about screen from the Settings coming in a new presence
  • Apple Wallet is with the one’s recent transactions set per the year basis
  • Improvements to the Apple News logo
  • Apple with the message “Not secured” on unsecured type website URLs
  • Improved Audio message quality for iMessages and more

Download iOS 12.2 or wait for jailbreak chances?

Apple encourages the user to follow Apple’s latest iOS versions in keeping a fine experience with all the stock features and recommended improvements. But if you have any idea of jailbreaking iOS, you need to stay on the lowest possible and save all chance to jailbreak. In fact, the jailbreak is always more possible on the lower firmware than the ones recent. So if you expect an official iOS 12 jailbreak with all Cydia Download privileges, stay on the lowest without following Apple’s latest iOS 12.2.

Over to you

As to the current scenario, up to iOS 12.1.2, we have the beta Unc0ver jailbreak supporting to jailbreak and Download Cydia. And as to the latest tweet, we could be able to see more progress. So stay on the lowest if you need to jailbreak iOS 12. But if not, go on with Download iOS 12.2 latest with packs hundreds of new features and improvements.