Sunday, November 3, 2019

MovieBox iOS to download and watch movies videos and favorite TV shows on iPhone & iPad

MovieBox iOS version is the best option to download and watch HD movies, TV series, TV Shows, online videos on iOS devises. Such as iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. This is the free way to get unlimited videos for Apple users. Once you download and install MovieBox iOS app, it allows you to enter best movie library free. And that is truly why millions of Apple users are already into MovieBox iOS as their move to stream through the best movies and more.

MovieBox iOS

How to Download MovieBox for iOS

You can download MovieBox Pro version in both online and offline ways. Unfortunately you cannot find moviebox apk in official Apple appstore. So you have to find safe link and download directly to your iOS device.  

MovieBox iOS supported Apple Devices

  • Latest iPhone 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone XR, XS, XS Max, and iPhone X
  • iPhone 8, 8 Plus, 7, 7Plus, 6, 6 Plus, 5S, 5C, 5 and iPhone 4S
  • iPad Pro, Air 2, Air, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 models
  • iPad Mini, Mini 2, Mini 3, Mini 4
  • iPod Touch 6 and 5 generations

MovieBox iOS version features.

  • No need your Apple ID and Password to sign up with MovieBox App
  • You don't need to jailbreak your device
  • Moviebox pro allows unlimited downloads and streaming
  • Support for iOS 13 latest version too
  • User friendly interface

Important update

Due to some reason MovieBox App has been shut down by the developers. Now you can download Moviebox Pro version as a replacement. For more updates keep in touch with us and we will regularly update you as soon as possible.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What is all new about Cydia App Store for iOS 13?

Cydia is getting updated with more and more interesting feed making you more waiting to get chances. So knowing how eager you are to bring up the best changes on your iOS run, here we are writing to you about all updates around Cydia App Store for iOS 13 latest. Let us take a look at all new about iOS, jailbreak and Cydia.

iOS jailbreak update: Unc0ver jailbreak v3.5.2 is the latest update we find in the jailbreak community which comes with support through iOS 12.1.3 to iOS 12.4. But here too it brings partial support for A12(X) devices just like the times previous. So there is neither Cydia nor Cydia Substrate. But keep looking as it seems developers are more into the updates by working for better support

About Cydia App Store

For iOS jailbreak users, Cydia is not a strange term. In fact, Cydia app store is truly the reason for anyone to jailbreak iOS as it is the exclusive app store you can have after jailbreaking the device. And there is no any other way you can take Cydia download on your device above jailbreak. Although you can have Cydia alternatives, the original Cydia can only be taken with correct jailbreak access.

Just as you might have already known, Cydia is getting updated regularly. In fact, with every week we see new Cydia apps and tweaks with exciting updates and leading through the best user experience. And by now iOS 12 is the latest jailbreakable firmware exists supporting up to iOS 12.1.2 only. So if you are within the possible frame, get either Unc0ver or Chimera jailbreak for successful jailbreak benefits. And we now see many latest updates to Cydia like EnableMeAhora for $0.65, FluidTabs for free, Glance for $1.49 and more.

Cydia for iOS 13 Updates

iOS 13 is the next generation software update coming to the public bundling hundreds of new changes and improvements. And together with that we now see iOS 13 jailbreak possibilities undertone whereas Cydia for iOS 13 is confirmed successfully. As with the updates of developer @Pwn20wnd, iOS 13 includes almost all the necessary patches that Cydia requires to function in. with that, iOS 13 Cydia looks possible. But it is still not confirmed through Cydia substrate support. In case if it is also made successfully possible, we could look for another Cydia chapter for iOS 13. But until iOS 13 is out officially, there will be no any update. So it is about waiting for some longer.

Final words

If you are a jailbreak user, Cydia app store for iOS 13 could be the next news you are waiting for. So keep looking for all the updates as we are ready bringing you more interesting iOS, jailbreak and Cydia news soon once released. If you have anything to further to know, write us through comments.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Will you Download iOS 12.2 with all new features and improvements?

After considerable testing versions we came to know iOS 12.2 finally in the public hand as the second major iOS version following iOS 12.1. And just as promised, you will get a number of new features and improvements by Download iOS 12.2 on all 64-bit iPhone and iPad devices. So will you continue to update or stay for jailbreak chances?

If you were waiting to grab Apple iOS latest version 12.2 on iPhone or iPad, it is now officially allowed through iTunes or over the air. So follow on 64-bit iPhone or iPad and get into the new experience of Apple mobile operating system.

iOS 12.2 Features to love

As the second major operating system version, iOS 12.2 packs a set of amazing features and improvements to the user experience. So just with my time with the new firmware, here are some of the best iOS 12.2 features I picked.

  • For the first time Apple News to Canada in both French and English language support
  • Gives HomeKit support for AirPlay 2 TVs
  • A set of new Animoji including a Boar, Shark, Giraffe and an Owl by turning the total number of Animojis to 24
  • Apple Maps supported with a new setting to show the Air quality in an easier way
  • Icon tweaked for Screen Mirroring from the Control center
  • “Add Money” new option in the Apple Pay Cash in the wallet for easier access
  • Tweaked AirPlay icon in the Control center
  • Introducing a darker interface to Apple TV remote application
  • Accessing you to find key information easier, the about screen from the Settings coming in a new presence
  • Apple Wallet is with the one’s recent transactions set per the year basis
  • Improvements to the Apple News logo
  • Apple with the message “Not secured” on unsecured type website URLs
  • Improved Audio message quality for iMessages and more

Download iOS 12.2 or wait for jailbreak chances?

Apple encourages the user to follow Apple’s latest iOS versions in keeping a fine experience with all the stock features and recommended improvements. But if you have any idea of jailbreaking iOS, you need to stay on the lowest possible and save all chance to jailbreak. In fact, the jailbreak is always more possible on the lower firmware than the ones recent. So if you expect an official iOS 12 jailbreak with all Cydia Download privileges, stay on the lowest without following Apple’s latest iOS 12.2.

Over to you

As to the current scenario, up to iOS 12.1.2, we have the beta Unc0ver jailbreak supporting to jailbreak and Download Cydia. And as to the latest tweet, we could be able to see more progress. So stay on the lowest if you need to jailbreak iOS 12. But if not, go on with Download iOS 12.2 latest with packs hundreds of new features and improvements.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

iOS 12.2 Jailbreak and Cydia updates

Apple is now signing iOS 12.2 through all the 64-bit devices by improving the overall experience. With the new iOS 12.2 arrival in the public hand, now a lot of new features and functions are open to the users. But will that be enough for jailbreak users? Let us get into all iOS 12.2 Jailbreak and Cydia updates.

iOS Updates

When talking about iOS 12.2, we see a lot of interesting features and upgrades even more than the previous major iOS 12.1. In fact, it gives Apple news to Canada for the first time and brings more interesting updates just like that. So by getting iOS 12.2 Download over the air or through iTunes you will get more Animoji, tweaked icons, updated apps, and many more improvements. But should you upgrade the iPhone to the latest firmware?

iOS 12 Jailbreak- updates so far

As of the time being iOS 12 jailbreak is in a supporting frame with a number of interesting updates. In fact, we now have the support of beta Unc0ver jailbreak through which jailbreak privileges are granted. This beta jailbreak supports from iOS 12.0 to iOS 12.1.2. And thankfully, it gives the complete support to Cydia Download and substrate support giving the quality of a complete iOS jailbreak. So this is not like the previously released RootlessJB which was only targeting the developers and not giving the result of Cydia. In that way, the latest jailbreak under Unc0ver gives much important even being a beta. But it only supports A11 chip powered devices leaving all support from the latest iPhone XS Max, XS and XR devices.

When can I get iOS 12.2 Jailbreak?

With the updates so far, we see support up to iOS 12.1.2 jailbreak. But for the sad fact, there is no support for the firmware above up to now. So in that way, we have no promises given on jailbreaking the latest firmware iOS 12.2. And just following the usual pattern we could not expect any update for the latest firmware this sooner as it is just about a week from the release of iOS 12.2 latest.

Although we are not given any idea about the jailbreak state above iOS 12.1.2, we could expect a fine change with the time ahead. In fact, it is great to know the team Unc0ver jailbreak is interested in working for a workable iOS 12 jailbreak resulting in complete Cydia.

So if you want Cydia on the latest firmware, you need to stay more focused. And by upgrading the firmware with Apple iOS updates, you will probably lose the chance to get jailbreak supports. As you might have already aware, the lower you stay more you get the opportunity to install Cydia.

Final words

If you are happy with what you are given on stock iOS and likes to continue through improving the operating system, you can have iOS 12.2 download on the device and have all its given features and updates. But if you are waiting to iOS 12.2 jailbreak or any jailbreak privilege, you need to stay on the lowest possible firmware and save chance to your jailbreak. Stay tuned and get more interesting updates.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The latest status update to Cydia Jailbreak iOS 12.1.3

As of the time being, iOS 11.4 beta 3 is the latest jailbreakable firmware thanks to the updated tool by unc0ver. Other than that, there is yet no update has arrived supporting for a public jailbreak tool update. But not leaving all the hopes aside, let us consider the latest status update to Cydia Jailbreak iOS 12.1.3. If you are looking forward to more jailbreak tool opportunities, this is the right time to get into all the updates. Read on.

The latest iOS 12 updates by Apple

Following the usual firmware pattern, Apple iOS has updated the operating system to the latest iOS 12.1.3. All the 64-bit iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices can now upgrade the device to the latest through iTunes or over the air. But rather than several fixes, the update here has no additional features to speak out. So in case if you had been facing various slight issues with iOS previous firmware, the solution will come with the new iOS 12.1.3. But what if you are in a plan to jailbreak iOS 12?

The chance remains on Jailbreak iOS 12 and Cydia

From the very first date of iOS 12 arrival to the public view, we came across various demonstrations to jailbreak and Cydia. And looking at all the updates, we see a very positive chapter about jailbreaking the Apple iOS 12 latest. But even up to now we see no confirmations officially. So the only option to take here is waiting on the possible lowest.
Considering all the jailbreak demonstrations so far, we find the safari exploit and 0-day as some of the vital reveals. By revealing out Safari exploit sometimes back, the developer has shown off the chance to another jailbreakMe style tool update where we could jailbreak only through Safari. And if this going to be in the public hand, it will change the entire bored semi-untethered pattern which we notice so often from where it was started by Pangu. But with nothing in hand confirmedly, we could not give any predictions at this stage.

Cydia jailbreak iOS 12.1.3 Possibilities

As to the usual pattern of jailbreak developers and hackers, we do not get anything in advance. Although they come up with various facts like what they experiment undercover, when comes to the releases sometimes it becomes something entirely different. So seeing that for the past years, we could not give any word yet in the public. But it is true that iOS 12 jailbreak and Cydia are possible and only required some more work. So my advice for the moment is to stay at the lowest possible in order to increase the chance to Cydia. But in case if you are on iOS 12.1.3, downgrade immediately while you are allowed as there is no update to Cydia Jailbreak iOS 12.1.3 by now.

Wrap Up

Looking at all the interesting exploiting and demonstrations, we could see a very positive update to Cydia and jailbreak in the coming days. So stay tuned and get everything soon once updated.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

iOS 12.1.3 Jailbreak and Cydia Updates

iOS 12.1.3 is the latest operating system update in targeting 64-bit devices addressing various minor improvements and fixes. But if you expect more than that, here you are the update note regarding iOS 12.1.3 Jailbreak and Cydia. If you feel interested to take a look, get all the updates here and know the possibility.

What is the latest in iOS updates?

As of the time being iOS 12.1.3 signs over the air or through iTunes on all the 64-bit devices. Just as expected, the update here focuses just on a few minor improvements and fixes to some of the recently reported issues. And above that, iOS 12.1.3 has no major improvements or something completely new.

If you had met issues in your iOS session, the best option is to upgrade the operating system to the latest. But what if you are one of the jailbreak fans eagerly waits for a new tool update?

iOS 12.1.3 Jailbreak and Cydia

As to the golden rule of jailbreaking, you should always stay on the lowest possible in order to increase the chance of jailbreak. So there, upgrading iOS 12.1.3 is quite risky for your journey of jailbreak and Cydia as we find no update to jailbreak iOS 12.1.3 as of this stage.

Considering all the news on exploiting and demonstrations, we see a positive picture on iOS 12 jailbreak. But when all the proven possibilities end up from iOS 12.1.2, staying on iOS 12.1.3 is something disadvantageous. So use iTunes and get back to the possible lowest firmware if you want to stay within jailbreak possibilities. And thankfully, you can now look forward up to iOS 12.1.2 through the revealed exploits and demonstrations.

Cydia Download for iOS 12- all possibilities

We have already proven safari exploit and 0-day exploit existing on iOS 12 thanks to all experimenting by different developers sometimes back. And as they have revealed, these are powerful enough for any developer to start putting attempts on iOS 12 jailbreak development and give rights in the public. Together with these we also found powerful demonstrations by teams like KeenLab about Cydia jailbreak opportunities iOS 12 has. But when nothing is yet in the position of a public release, we will just have to sit and wait expecting more updates.

Latest update: iOS 12.x oriented rootfs remount has been recently released thanks to all experimenting by @MiscMisty and @Lakr223. And as this is concerned one of the vital pieces to complete jailbreak attempts, we could stay more focused on a possible tool update. Thankfully, developer Pwn20wnd has also come up with an idea here revealing that he is too interested and involved in all iOS 12 jailbreak attempts here. So it is about waiting.

Wrap up

iOS 12.1.3 jailbreak has no support with exploits and demonstrations so far. So stay on the lowest possible and stay focused on all the updates. Soon once we get news, we will write you an update note. So stay focused and be ready to get a new Cydia chapter. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

Are you waiting for Cydia Download iOS 12?

Cydia is the biggest advantage for jailbreak users over the stock privileges from which you can change the entire set of the device and gain the core values of the entire operating system. So if you are now looking for the latest updates, here we are to write about Cydia Download iOS 12. Read through all the particulars and get to know about the latest status of jailbreak and Cydia.

Why Cydia for iOS?

As you might have already aware, Cydia is the application store exclusively available for jailbroken devices serving with the most advanced apps, themes, wallpapers, games etc aiming at the highest tweaking. And the only way to complete Cydia Download is iOS jailbreak with the respective tool support. So not everyone can jailbreak iPhone easily at any time you feel like having. In fact, there are different jailbreak tools available and updated with support for certain firmware versions. So you will have to wait for the correct tool update in order to get privileged with Cydia. Then, when will you get the chance?

About Cydia Download iOS 12

Looking at the current status, we see a very positive picture about the state of iOS 12 jailbreak. Although Apple Inc keeps upgrading the operating system with various features and improvements, the need to have Cydia has not been dropped off. In that concern, the focus is now on iOS 12 Cydia about taking off the firmware and makes it fully optimized over Apple’s walled garden.

If you have been in touch with all the jailbreak news so far, you must know about the proven possibilities of iOS 12 in an attempt to jailbreak and Cydia. And one is about the existing 0-day exploit, which has powerfully proven at one of the recently held tech contests and has proven as a big opportunity for anyone to work on jailbreaking.

Another important exploit has been shown off sometimes before is safari exploit thanks to the developer Linus Henze. And bringing further confirmations by Alibaba’s Min Zheng, this is a very powerful opportunity for anyone to work on a jailbreak development. If one is ready working for that, we would probably get another JailbreakMe style tool update through which everything is managed in Safari. But as there is no confirmation yet on the scene, we will have to wait sometimes longer. And in the waiting journey, make sure you are not upgrading the device as staying on the lowest firmware will increase the chance of jailbreak and Cydia.

Final words

At a look into the latest status update, we see a very positive picture about the status of Cydia Download iOS 12. And as to the most recent update on demonstrations, we find the developer @S0rryMyBad showing another exploit that can create jailbreak chance for iOS 12.1.2 to lower firmware. So our advice for the moment is to stay on the lowest possible in a way increasing the jailbreak chances. And stay tuned to all our updates to get updates on the feed timely.